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Create a Game

Add el executable file to your desired location make sure it is in an empty directory to create a standalone page:

  • init.lua → Entrypoint
  • config.lua → A config file

Create your first Game

Create a file at the game directory called init.lua.

This is an example of how a init.lua file could look:


This example shows how to use it with autocompletion !

/init.lua = true
_G.status_code = 0

_G.start = start
_G.update = update
_G.exit = exit

-- Console Functions
_G.exit_game = exit_game
_G.clear = clear
_G.log = log
_G.log_bold = log_bold

-- GUI Functions
_G.set_rect_position = set_rect_position
_G.draw_rect = draw_rect
_G.render_window = render_window
_G.clear_render = clear_render
_G.draw = draw

_G.pressed_key = pressed_key
_G.on_specific_key = on_specific_key

local player = { x = 15, y = 15, w = 50, h = 50 }
local move_speed = 5

-- This function is executed 60 times every frame (if default).
function _G.update(deltaTime)
print("DeltaTime: " .. deltaTime)

function _G.on_specific_key(key)
if key == "right" then
player.x = player.x + move_speed
elseif key == "left" then
player.x = player.x - move_speed
elseif key == "up" then
player.y = player.y - move_speed
elseif key == "down" then
player.y = player.y + move_speed

-- This function is executed one time.
function _G.start(game_name)
print("Starting " .. game_name)
return 0

-- This function is executed when the game exits.
function _G.exit(exit_code) = false
print("Exiting with Exit Code: " .. exit_code)

Just start the executable el and you should be ready to go !

If any errors show up then it will be stored in the status_code variable and the exit(status_code) function will be executed with the status code as parameter.